Nolan's Senior Sesh

 It's been a while since I've done a senior session, and even longer since I've worked with guys, so it was refreshingly new. It was fun to be back where I spent four years of my life, a seeming life time ago. If you had told me in high school that I would be a photographer, I would have laughed and said "Yeah, right, I wish!". 

Nolan and I spent our time walking around various parts of the field and school grounds while I picked his brain about his senior year so far, including the recent homecoming, football, lacrosse and his plans for after high school. I was impressed to learn that he's doing an internship for accounting. Impressive because I find math incredibly challenging, and because he's getting a head start dive into his dream career. Awesome, right?

Towards the end of the session, Nolan's mom and dad popped in for a few snaps. Their love for him and watching him play football over all these years was obvious. It was a reminder of how much my mom has done for my siblings and I over years of swim team, soccer, track, and more.

So, to the sports parents who've dedicated their week days and week nights to hustling around  kids to their practices and games... thank you. To the parents who've ever hosted pasta parties, or brought the "team snack"... thank you. To the parents who've muddied their freshly vacuumed cars for the sake of our muddy cleats.. thank you. And most of all, thank you for being our number one fans, braving weather hot and cold just to see us play.

                                          (I think I am done being nostalgic now) 

In November you'll be seeing more of Nolan and his 10 football buddies as they storm the field for a group senior sesh! Looking forward to bossing around 10 high school dudes while they willingly (yeah right) pose for pictures.